Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome Abby

There's tension in our house. Everyone's on edge. Well, at least, Denny and Friday are wound up tighter than a drum. In their eyes there is an intruder in the house. After one and a half years they finally settled on a truce and it seems like Denny's behavior is bringing Friday out a bit more. All good news but then I had to go and say that Denny needs a playmate. One casual look at the local PetSmart later (granted, I did fill out a form) we were being bombarded by volunteers offering up their kittens for adoption. Being critical we said no to several of them and I have to say that makes you feel very small indeed.
Anyway, yesterday we ran into Abby. She's a tiny little thing and we brought her home. For me it was a foregone conclusion that Friday would be freak out, but I would have expected a little bit more hospitality from Denny. Hissing at someone who weighs 1/6 of what you weigh...... tsk tsk, pick on someone your own size! As time goes by he's getting a bit closer though. He's very curious but also very hesitant. I think they'll be friends. Make that "I hope".......